Brilliant Tech Farmer earns income through the sales of our own products which are mainly vegetable seed, ebooks, and courses.

Brilliant Tech Farmer is NOT a participant or an affiliate of any advertising program yet. So, we do not earn any advertising fees by advertising and linking to third party products for now.
Brilliant Tech Farmer only provides opinions on our own products and services.
The views and opinions we expressed on this website are purely from our team and those of our authors. So, we only endorse our own products or services which we have used or believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement.
The content on Brilliant Tech Farmer may contain advertisements, sponsored content, or other forms of monetization in future. If we at anytime become monetized or an affiliate of any program, we will update the information found on this page.
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If you have any questions regarding this our policy, or your activities and dealings with our website. Please do not hesitate to email us: Brilliant Tech farmer